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IFIC Bank TSO Initial VIVA Exam Question - Interviewee - 6

 Board:06, serial number: 01
Sir 1:Hello Saima
Me: Assalamualaikum sir. Good morning
Sir 1: Tell me about yourself
Me: answered
Sir 1: So you're doing MBA from North South university, right?
Me: answered
Sir 1 : Tell me about your family
Me: answered
Sir 2:  What's your class timing in MBA
Me: answered
Sir 1: what's your parents exactly doing, I mean their profession?

Me : answered
Sir 1 : will you join if your posting is outside of Dhaka and how will you continue your MBA and do your family members know this issue?
Me : answered
Sir 1: If I give you a chance to make a list about your 3 most preferable branches outside Dhaka, what area would you select ?
Me : answered
Sir 2: Best wishes Saima and goodbye.
Sir 1: goodbye Ms. Saima
Me: Assalamualaikum sir . Leave this meeting.
So, this is my overall viva experience and this is my first job interview in the banking industry and also I want to know from seniors that " Is there any possibility for  written exam?"

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